Friday, July 25, 2008
Social Justice
Hari ini pembahasan terakhir tentang sila" pancasila, ngomongin Social Justice (keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia)

hmm, diskusi hari ini entah kenapa menyenangkan,
di dalam presentasi kelompok mereka menulis "social justice covered : freedom of trust, guarantee human rights and legal form of law" *sorry rada" lupa*
trus, someone ask "what do you mean by "legal form of law"? Is it means that every law in Indonesia is legal?"

sebetulnya penjelasan yang di maksud si presentasi (menurut gw) keadilan sosial itu bentuk legal sebuah hukum, jadi hukum akan di katakan legal kalo dia adil secara sosial *CMIIW*

tapi stupidly, si presenter bilang "Yes"
question cames up "Indonesia have many region and religion and they have their own law, how can every law in every region and religion WITHOUT violating somebody rights"
interesting kan, apalagi adanya asas hukum bahwa hukum yang satu tidak boleh berbalik dari hukum yang lain. misal d hukum x A akan dianggap bersalah, dan di hukum y A dinyatakan bersih.

Dosen gw pun turun titah "law has 3 type, legal law, which citizen serve the country, distributive law, country serve the citizen, and co*something* law, relation between citizen and citizen. If in bottom there is contradicting law, it should pull to the top *ditarik ke atas, tp gw ga tau knapa dosen gw ngomongnya pull to the top, mwakakkakaka* and using the *hukum yang lebih kuat, lupa gw dosen gw ngomong apa*"

trus ngomongin "how about gay, queer, and transsexual, after their struggle to be accepted, but the community rejected them, it sounds unfair to me"
langsung 1 kelas heboh semua, dari ngomongin pandangan sosial kaum minoritas ini sampe cara mereka bersenggama,, OOT banget dah, tp lucu si, huahahahahhaa...
posted by choro ajah @ 12:13 PM  
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